Wednesday, March 12, 2025

How To Become A Member Of



Becoming a member of a church is a serious matter and should be entered into prayerfully and thoughtfully. We ask that those desiring membership in this church family meet the following qualifications:

1. You have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

2. You have been scriptural baptized through immersion. (May be received by Statement or Church Letter)

3. You have attended the New Member Orientation Class.

4. You have signed the Church Covenant.

Our hearts are open to you and should God add you to this Body,


It will mean three things:

1. There is something God wants to do through your life to make this body more complete.

2. There is something God wants to do through this body to make your life more complete.

3. Together as the Body of Christ, we will seek God consistently for His will and direction, proclaim His love, and minister to those in need, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.


Our Covenant With You


We will support you with love and prayer, standing with you throughout the difficult times of your life, helping you to grow and equipping you spiritually for the mission God has in store for your life.